<img src="assets/image-5.png" width=35%/>
Just a stupidly fast Entity Component System
local world = jecs.World.new()
local pair = jecs.pair
-- These components and functions are actually already builtin
-- but have been illustrated for demonstration purposes
local ChildOf = world:component()
local Name = world:component()
local function parent(entity)
return world:target(entity, ChildOf)
local function getName(entity)
return world:get(entity, Name)
local alice = world:entity()
world:set(alice, Name, "alice")
local bob = world:entity()
world:add(bob, pair(ChildOf, alice))
world:set(bob, Name, "bob")
local sara = world:entity()
world:add(sara, pair(ChildOf, alice))
world:set(sara, Name, "sara")
for e in world:query(pair(ChildOf, alice)) do
print(getName(e), "is the child of alice")
-- Output
-- "alice"
-- bob is the child of alice
-- sara is the child of alice
21,000 entities 125 archetypes 4 random components queried.
Can be found under /benches/visual/query.luau
Inserting 8 components to an entity and updating them over 50 times.
Can be found under /benches/visual/insertions.luau